According to 'RULES OF BREVETS RANDONNEURS MONDIAUX from 200 to 1000km' (hereinafter, 'the Rules'),I acknowledge and fully agree the following terms of Waiver and Release from Liability of Randonneurs Taiwan(hereinafter, 'the organizer').

1.I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in this event and have not beenadvised against participating by a qualified medical person.In consideration of my registration and permittingme to participate in this event, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs,next of kinsuccessors and assigns as follows.

2.I agree to give all bike riders on the road the right of way and conduct myself in a safe manner. I acknowledgeobeying Article 6 of the Rules, the organizer’s safety charter and rider’s charter, especially the use of a hard-shellriding helmet and reflective vest are required. As the event my require riding in the dark hours, I will at all timesbe equipped with a strong front light and rear hazard lights with spare bulbs, lights and batteries.I understand thatportions of the course are on the road, and I will obey all safety regulations for bicycles traveling on busy roadways,and will be governed by all the local laws including local traffic rules.

3. I agree it is my sole responsibility to be familiar with the course for this event. I understand and agree thatsituations may arise during the events that may be beyond the immediate control of the event officials or theorganizer.According to Article 5 of the Rules, I agree to Indemnify and Hold Harmless the organizer or persons,volunteers from the organizer, its constituents, and its assigned associates, from any and all claims made by otherindividuals or entities as a result of any of my actions during this event.

4.I understand that only basic first aid will be available to participants on the event course.Should I require additionalmedical attention, I hereby consent to receive such medical treatment which may be deemed advisable during myevent and understand that I am solely responsible for all costs and consequences relating to medical administration,transportation and evacuation.

5.I agree that my entrance fee and any sponsor or pledge money I collect is non-refundable.I understand the eventcould be cancelled due to weather or other causes and rescheduled at the discretion of the event organizers.accept that the course may be changed due to circumstances beyond the event organizers' control.

6.I will additionally permit free use of my name and pictures in media broadcasts, print and television… etc.This waiver and release of liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximumextent permissible under applicable law. I hereby certify that I have read this document and understand its content.

7.Waive, Release and Forever Discharge the organizer, its constituents, and its assigned associates from any andall liability for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft or any actions of anykind which may hereafter accrue to me from this event.

8.I fully acknowledge that cycling is a hazardous activityand that this event carries with it the potential for death,serious injury, and property damage and property loss.I hereby assume all the risks of participating in this eventregardless of their cause.

I agree  I disagree